Thank you Raptor Hallow for visiting our first graders since our field trip was cancelled. We had so much fun!
The Medical Career Pathways Class was hard at work today. The students were having fun practicing their medical terminology by creating Medical Terminology Mad Lib Stories.
Today is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. We are UNITED in our appreciation for all that you doo every day for our students and staff! Thank you to all of our bus drivers: Walter Barker, Stephanie Brickerton, Luanne Cope, Steve Funk, Marcia Good, Byron Hartsough, Jacki Hruby, Kris John, Venton Milbank, Peggy Mix, Carrie Pierson, and Tina Sanlo. We would also like to say a big THANK YOU to our awesome substitute bus drivers who step in to help out as needed!
Mrs. Greenawalt's first graders partnered up with the high school American Sign Language class to learn sign language! Students had a great time learning how to sign their names as well as different animal names.
Congratulations to our Third 9 Weeks Eagle Pride Winners for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Attention to our Elementary, Middle School, and High School Parents: Due to the solar eclipse tomorrow, we will be having an early release day. All students will be dismissed at 1:00pm on April 8, 2024. You can stay updated on all school-related news by visiting our District Website or our District Facebook page.
3rd graders worked together to brainstorm ideas for how to do the Wax Museum with limited parking. Each class chose a communicator who interviewed Mr. Greenawalt and Officer Bailey and created a presentation for Mr. Hostettler and Mr. Huda. With teamwork they found a solution!
The Smile Program is coming to United Elementary!
A dental permission form was sent home today with your elementary student. Please fill it out if you would like your child to be seen by the mobile dentist during school on April 30th or May 1st. Your student’s form must be completed and returned to your child’s teacher by April 19th. Please call 1-855-481-8639 with any questions. You can also sign your student up at or scan the code below with your phone.
Today is National School Librarian Day. " The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss
We are United in our appreciation to Karrie Varagliotti (STEAM) and Denise Ward for all that you both do.
April 3, 2024 is National Paraprofessional Day. To all of our Paraprofessionals: Thank you for dedicating your time and your energy each day to help our students in their daily tasks. We are United in our appreciation for all that you do!
Attention to our Elementary, Middle School and High School Parents: There is no school on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 due to our staff in-service day. You can stay updated on all our school related news by visiting our District Website or our District Facebook page. District Calendar on our Website: District Facebook page:
First graders had such a fun day visiting the carnival and having an egg hunt! We hope everyone has a great break!
Getting excited for Solar Eclipse Day in second grade!!! Students created shirts to be worn on April 8th. They turned out great!!
Reminder to United Local Parents and Students: United Local School District will not have school starting on March 29th through April 2nd. Students will resume school after Easter Break on April 3rd. Staff will return to work on April 2nd for a Staff In-Service Day.
Miss Moffett's 3rd grade through Kindergarten art students have been preparing space themed work for the eclipse event.
5th and 4th graders have been working hard for weeks creating a business and a prototype of their product.
Today the fifth grade literacy classes got to Zoom with Lynda Mullaly Hunt! She is the author of the book Fish in a Tree, which was our first read aloud this year! She shared with our classes a little bit about her background as a teacher and author as well as answered some of our questions! We were all excited to learn that Fish in a Tree is coming to the big screen soon 😍📚🎥
Fourth graders are designing their ideal classroom based on actual square feet of our new building.
Mrs. Greenawalt's first graders collaborated with each other to plan and create leprechaun traps. They also had a fun Friday filled with crafts and hands-on activities!
Reminder to our Parent and Students: There will be no school for students on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 due to the Ohio Primary Election. Our staff members will still, attend for a Staff In-Service Day.
The Columbiana County Educational Service Center's in now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 School Year Preschool Program. If you are interested in requesting an application please contact the Columbiana County ESC at 330-424-9591 Ext. 167 or at Request enrollment packet for the 2024 - 2025 school year.